English Patch for Black Desert Online Japan - Updated 02/07/2021


Usually Update in next 1 day after maintenance 

Just download it and check timestamp file

Download here: 

New Patch February 7, 2021

Installation Instructions
Download  languagedata_jp.zip
Extract files to "GameOn\BlackDesert_live" folder (or whichever folder your game is installed to; e.g. it should be "GameOn\BlackDesert_live\prestringtable\font\pearl.ttf").
Each time before starting the game, follow these simple steps:
  1. You might want to backup your Loc file ("GameOn\BlackDesert_live\ads\languagedata_jp.loc"), before patching (this step is not required, but advised), if you haven't already.
  2. Start BDO JP launcher/patcher and login (including 2FA, if you've set it). Wait extra second or few after it, depending on your latency and PC (proceed to step 3 after your CPU usage spike ends).
  3. Move or copy "languagedata_jp.loc" from "_Adv" folder to "ads" folder, replacing the file. I'd advise to copy, to keep an extra copy of patch, just in case, unless you need those few MB of space.
  4. Start Black Desert JP.
  5. After closing the game / before the next start of BDO JP launcher/patcher (you can do it immediately after, or whenever prior to the next start, doesn't matter):
    1. If you have moved the file in step 3 - move "languagedata_jp.loc" from "ads" folder to "_Adv".
    2. If you have backed-up Loc file in step 1 - move or copy it to "ads" folder, replacing the file.
If you're unhappy with the included font - simply delete it (prestringtable\font\pearl.ttf) to use the default font.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. For anyone who is interested in English BDO while in Japan I can help. (I dont speak Japaneese, but can provide the files and explain how to do it. My way is not so convenient as that one but at least you can play in English if you dont know Japaneese)

    1. Dear veetooleck, can you please provide me this patch?! I would much appreciate.

      crustymd@gmail.com thank you!

    2. can you send this patch thank you pizza.de.mussarela@hotmail.com

    3. gameadik2k15@gmail.com please if you could send it to me also. thanks alot!

    4. can I also have one please? uguraltcizgican@gmail.com

    5. Can you send this to me? akolangtoh93@gmail.com
      thank you very much.

    6. kolokoy666@gmail.com can i also have it sent to me thanks in advance

    7. Hi can tou please help me😣

    8. send it to me as well, thanks master! dragonjogie@gmail.com

  3. I have sent you emails! Sorry for a delay, but I didnt have time earlier to do that :( !

    1. can you please send it to @heryloh01@gmail.com please!

    2. can you send it to me too?

    3. ja.mihkx@outlook.com can you please send me too?

  4. dewanrafit@gmail.com , please :)

  5. Can you send the patch pls, weihan91@outlook.com

  6. nmatiasn@gmail.com please!

  7. saman.shafiee57@gmail.com please

  8. yuyiro123@hotmail.com

  9. pierre-varlet@outlook.fr i live in japan too but kanjis are too complicated to read please send me an English patch too thank you

  10. can you send the files for me too please, akaiikami87@gmail.com


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