Download here:
New Patch February 7, 2021
Installation Instructions
Extract files to "GameOn\BlackDesert_live" folder (or whichever folder your game is installed to; e.g. it should be "GameOn\BlackDesert_live\prestringtable\font\pearl.ttf").
Each time before starting the game, follow these simple steps:
- You might want to backup your Loc file ("GameOn\BlackDesert_live\ads\languagedata_jp.loc"), before patching (this step is not required, but advised), if you haven't already.
- Start BDO JP launcher/patcher and login (including 2FA, if you've set it). Wait extra second or few after it, depending on your latency and PC (proceed to step 3 after your CPU usage spike ends).
- Move or copy "languagedata_jp.loc" from "_Adv" folder to "ads" folder, replacing the file. I'd advise to copy, to keep an extra copy of patch, just in case, unless you need those few MB of space.
- Start Black Desert JP.
- After
closing the game / before the next start of BDO JP launcher/patcher
(you can do it immediately after, or whenever prior to the next start,
doesn't matter):
- If you have moved the file in step 3 - move "languagedata_jp.loc" from "ads" folder to "_Adv".
- If you have backed-up Loc file in step 1 - move or copy it to "ads" folder, replacing the file.